List of studies


Date Contractor/Issuer Type of Study




International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP) About ISSIP | Leading the Future of Service Innovation

Christoph Glauser was named ISSIP Ambassador for 2025 Current Ambassadors - ISSIP.




ifdp - institute for digital participation

Participation in the FEDD event "Erfolgreich engagiert im digitalen Zeitalter" at the House of Digitalisation in Tulln an der Donau. Keynote speech by Christoph Glauser on the topic of working in old age with promising DACH initiatives for emeriti and seniors in science.



Contributor to an open access book publication on "Designing Immersion in Art and Culture" in the scientific journal DESIGN INTERNATIONAL (Politecnico di Milano) as part of the Horizon Europe project Artcast4D. Co-authors of the chapter "Bridging technological and cultural realms: a holistic framework for analysing user perspective in immersive experiences".



Podcast as part of the Horizon Europe project Artcast4D on the topic "Two Years of Artcast4D, Part II". Christoph Glauser talks about Artcast4D and the role of the IFAAR.

15.10.2024 - 17.10.2024

Artcast4D Annual Meeting im Rahmen des Horizon Europe Projektes Artcast4D mit live Demonstration im Spielkartenmuseum in Issy-les-Moulineaux.


Artcast4D Podcast as part of the Horizon Europe project Artcast4D on the topic "Two Years of Artcast4D, Part I". Christoph Glauser talks about Artcast4D and the role of the IFAAR.

29.08.2024 - 30.08.2024

SEVAL Methods workshop as part of the SEVAL annual congress on the topic of "Digitale Herausforderungen: Evaluation von Key Performance Indicators (KPI) und Nutzung von künstlicher Intelligenz in Evaluationen" under the direction of Reinhard Zweidler and Christoph Glauser.


Artcast4D Repeat measurement of the keyword list for the Artcast4D project.

March - May 2024

Artcast4D Digital impact monitoring of the pilot activities in Issy-les-MoulineauxHounslow and Valencia.


Artcast4D Creation of the deliverable "Preliminary Artcast4D Evaluation Framework" after preparations with all partners and creation of the KPI list.


Artcast4D Midterm review of the Horizon Europe project Artcast4D with presentation of preliminary results of the digital impact measurements by IFAAR.





Participation in the creation of the deliverable "Dissemination and Communication Plan".
03.11.2023 Artcast4D

Digital Impact Analysis for the media release Pioneering the Future of Immersive Art and Technology

06.10.2023 muse project partner event

Keynote on the topic of evaluation and presentation of Artcast4D at the muse Project Partner Event at the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich


World Passenger Festival 2023

Participation in the World Passenger Festival 2023 within the framework of various workshops

28.09.2023 - 29.09.2023

6th International Conference on Cluster Research

Paper presentation "Impact first: Artcast4D media release and its impact on all digital channels" at the special session "ARTCAST4D special session: immersive technology for cultural and creative sectors" at the 6th International Conference on Cluster Research in Valencia, Spain, 2023

26.09.2023 Artcast4D

Short video explaining the Artcast4D project on Youtube: 

23.07.2023 AHFE 23

Co-Chair for the session "Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Benefits for all Stakeholders in the Digital Age" in the HSSE track. Conference presentation: 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023): "Why more than half of digital contents never meet a user", San Francisco, July 2023

28.06.2023 Artcast4D

Digital impact analysis on the event VivaIssy Plongez dans l'univers numérique avec #VivaIssy : Le Festival des audaces numériques | Issy-les-Moulineaux


4th International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations

Participation and keynotes from Christoph Glauser. 
15.06.2023 Artcast4D

Keyword analysis on the Artcast4D test at forum des images in Paris Le sas, science-art-society group - The Ariadne's Fibres (

30.05.2023 Artcast4D 

Keyword analysis on the event VivaIssy including a special workshop on Artcast4D Plongez dans l'univers numérique avec #VivaIssy : Le Festival des audaces numériques | Issy-les-Moulineaux


HMD practice of business informatics

Publication: Kurpicz-Briki, M., Glauser, C. & Schmid, L. Vom „digital divide“ zum „cyber divide“. HMD (2023).

02.2023 - 06.2023 Univerité de Neuchâtel

Research collaboration computer science "Synonyms project"

07.02.2023 - Artcast4D

Monthly monitoring of the Artcast4D topics. 

24.01.2023 - 02.02.2023 Artcast4D

Digital impact analysis on the media release New Artcast4D Project Boosts Cultural Creative Industries in Europe


IFDaD International Forum on Digital and Democracy

Participation in and co-signing of the "Rome Declaration on Media Ecology and Technology Diplomacy"



Publication: Kurpicz-Briki, M., Glauser, C., & Schmid, L. (2023). Internet Search Behavior in Times of COVID-19 Lockdown and Opening. In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning (pp. 488-502). IGI Global.





Keyword analysis on all topics of the project 
17.11.2022 Re-Imagine Europa

Contributed to the roundtable discussion on "Media Ecology and Tech Diplomacy: An Intertwined and Interdependent Path" hosted at John Cabot University in Rome.

17.11.2022 -  18.11.2022 IFDaD International Forum on Digital and Democracy

Participation in the international forum on Digital and Democracy

28.10.2022 AustriaTech

Keyword analysis on the topic of "Automated Mobility"

07.10.2022 Ernst Peyer Stiftung

Single site analysis of the internet presence of Ernst Peyer Stiftung 

01.09.2022 - Horizon Europe

Impact Partner and responsible for the evaluation of the Horizon Europe project "Artcast4D"  

24.07.2022 - 28.07.2022


Co-Chair for a session in the HSSE track. Conference paper: 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022): "From Alibaba to YouTube: User Searches: From Alibaba to YouTube: User Searchesfor Digital Democracy Topics" in "The Human Side of Service Engineering", New York, July 2022


Solidarité Femmes Biel/Bienne & Region

Accompanying evaluation of the prevention project "Imi s'envole"


 Re-Imagine Europa

Participation in Re-Imagine Europa's 2022 Annual Forum and in the Roundtable discussion on "MEDIA, MINDS and MISINFORMATION - Novel Systemic Solutions for the European Information and Media Ecosystem" in Brussels


ITU / WSIS Speaker on "How many cyber risks and cyber opportunities make sense?" in the "Digital Entrapment" panel at WSIS Forum 2022.
25.01.2022 Regiosuisse

Digital Impact Workshop



26.11.2021 PH Berne

Digital Impact KPIs: Support of the Think Tank Media and Informatics (TTIM)

07.10.2021 Horizon Europe 

Scientific Partner in Research Project "Artcast4D", "Artcast4D: Unleashing creativity!", submitted to the Call "HORIZON-CL3-2021-DRS-01"

24.09.2021 University of Neuchatel / IFAAR (financed by Hasler Stiftung)

Publication: Glauser, C., Schmid, L., Savoy, J. (2022). UMUSE: User Monitoring of the US Presidential Election. In: Yang, XS., Sherratt, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 235. Springer, Singapore. 

16.08.2021 University of Berne

Sitemap analysis "Research"


be-connected Single site analysis
25.07.2021 - 29.07.2021 AHFE 2021

Nature Springer Conference paper: 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021): "New Ecosystem Based on Big Data for More Digital Impact" in "Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering", New York, July 2021


Lisbon Council Participation in the Lisbon Council: High-Level Roundtable on Competition and Innovation
07.04.2021 University of Neuchatel / IFAAR

Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs: "User Searches on Multiple Channels during the US Presidential Elections 2020", March 2021

01.04.2021 ZDA

Project: eDemocracy and eParticipation


University of Neuchatel / IFAAR

Publication: 15th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2021): "UMUSE: User Monitoring of the US Presidential Election", London, February 2021





"Digital impact“ external technological assessment for



Report: Expert Perspective

Search Volume Analysis: External Perspective


University of Neuchatel / IFAAR

Media information: User Monitoring of the US President Election Campaign 2020 (UMUSE2)
24.09.2020 BFH / IFAAR

Publication: 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020): "Identifying the Public Interest in COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in Switzerland Based on Online Search Behavior", Athens, September 2020


University of Neuchatel / IFAAR

Media conference: User Monitoring of the US President Election Campaign 2020 (UMUSE2), Käfigturm Berne
01.08.2020 University of Neuchatel / IFAAR

Research Project: User Monitoring of the US President Election Campaign 2020 (UMUSE2).



Analysis of the demand for the Corona themes. "Lonely and wishful for Traveling? Measuring the Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown and te Exit Plan of the Swiss Government on the Internet Search Behavior of the Population"

18.06.2020 - 20.06.2020 AHFE 2020 Affiliated Conferences

Participation in the Advisory Board



Single site analysis as a team donation of the IFAA Christmas 2019 from 


Analysis of the demand of the SWiSS COVID APP. "Identifying the Public Interest in COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in Switzerland based on Online Search Behavior"


I care for you Single site analysis including crowdfunding campaign on LinkedIn for 
02.2020 - 06.2020

University of Neuchatel

Research Collaboration Computer Science 

City of St.Gallen

Single site analysis and accompanying measurements for the resdesign of 




University of Berne

"Digital impact“ external technological assessment for  

City of Biel

"Digital impact“ external technological assessment after relaunch of 
22.11.2019 Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK

"Digital impact“ external technological assessment for 

18.10.2019 Federal Customs Administration

Single site analysis of, keyword analysis at home and abroad

30.09.2019 - 03.10.2019 Bussines Innovation Week - Future Conference

Keynote on the topic "You can measure the user's perspective!" at BIW19

11.09.2019 - 12.09.2019

Industry Days - CLEF Conference Keynote 2019 Keynote on "Live Monitroing for Jungfrau Region"
04.03.2019 City of Biel

Keywords collaboration (e-government)

23.01.2019 ALLEA & RIE - Democracy in a Digital Society

Participation in the think tank on the impact of digital transformations on democratic institutions in Europe.



27.09.2018 Swiss Embassy Vienna

The Swiss Business Hub Austria and the Embassy of Switzerland in Vienna invite to the 1st Swiss Digitization Exchange. Exchange with leading Swiss digitization companies and ArgYou AG's presentation on digital impact in content, communication and advertising won 

30.05.2018 - 03.06.2018

DGTS - Digital Transformation & Global Society, Conference in St. Petersburg

Keynote by Christoph Glauser on the topic: What Citizens Really Expect from eGovernment. DTGS-Conference

11.04.2018 RIE - Re-Imagine Europa, European Parliament (B)

Invited to the Launch of RIE for a Tink-Tank about the strategic future of Europe

26.03.2018 - 29.03.2018 ECIR - European Conference on Information Retrieval, Grenoble (F)

Keynote at the leading European forum ECIR (Core A) for the research exchange in the field of Information Retrieval. Speach on Industry Day in the presence of all major international Search Engines, Social Media and Scientists in this field.


Roman Catholic Church Berne

Keyword analysis



08.12.2017 / 15.12.2017 Zoo, Bärenpark Singlesite Analysis, competitor analysis and status quo measurements before relaunch
27.10.2017 Burgergemeinde Bern Singlesite Analysis
23.09.2017 Municipality of Thalwil E-Government and relaunch survey of the municipality website
01.04.2017 Swiss Paraplegic Foundation: Keyword analysis
04.03.2017 - 19.04.2017 ArgYou AG User Monitoring of the French Elections (UMEF)
11.01.2017 Annual conference of the Swiss Political Science Association (SVWP) Presentation on UMUSE: User Monitoring of the US General Elections 2016



13.09.2016 University of Neuchâtel, Northeastern University of Boston, IFAA Media conference UMUSE-Project (PDF): "US Internet Users Would Rather Vote Trump"
08.06.2016 University of Neuchâtel, IFAA 1st Swiss Text Analytics Conference: Poster of the UMUSE-Project

01.01.2016- 31.12.2016

University of Neuchâtel, Northeastern University of Boston, IFAA Joint research project: UMUSE (User Monitoring of the General Elections 2016)



17.09.2015 Swiss Paraplegic Foundation Integrative supportive evaluation of several websites of several strategic topics


Schweizer Jugendwohnnetz Single-case study
11.07.2015 Federal Media commission EMEK

Comparison of Swiss online portale TV/Print/Online-online
Survey on online media Switzerland

23.02.2015 Swiss Refugee Council
Relaunchsupportevaluation and measurement of the campaign 2014-2015



17.09.2014 City Adliswil e-government Benchmarking and pre-post-measurement
24.07.2014 Swiss Federal Office of Energy (Energie Schweiz) Comparison measurement and single-case study  supportevaluation for relaunch
02.07.2014 ArgYou AG (CogniWin)

Competitor analysis "CogniWin Online Market Analysis" for older adults at work.



15.07.2013   European Commission EC External evaluation of two websites of the general directorate
10.07.2013 Zurich School for Economics (HWZ)     Relaunch supportive measurement 2012-2013
04.07.2013 Greenpeace Relaunch supportive measurement 2010-2013 in various campaigns
21.05.2013 Swiss National Library
Competitor analysis and Relaunch, supportive measurement until 2014
06.03.2013 Federal Ministry of Justice

External evaluation and in-depht issus, joint project with APA Mediawatch



03.11.2010 Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) Comparison measurement



Juni 2009 Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) Site-Evaluation



19.12.2008 Caritas Comparison measurement
14.11.2008 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons
13.11.2008 European Commission Delegation of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein Pre-post-measurement
Herbst 2008 US Election Campaign 2008 Online-accompaniment of the election campaign
Jul 08 Sight and Life Pre-post-measurement
05.06.2008 Glückskette Survey
27.05.2008 Swiss cantons Survey of Swiss cantons in mai 2008
27.05.2008 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons 2008
02.04.2008 Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Pre-post-measurement
14.03.2008 Fund for the prevention of tobacco Evaluation and application review
31.01.2008 Worlddidac Single-case study



25.11.2007 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons in november 2007
14.11.2007 European Commission Delegation of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein Single-case study
27.09.2007 Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication
Single-case study
30.05.2007 Parliaments Survey
30.05.2007 Fairunterwegs Single-case study
27.05.2007 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons in mai 2007
10.05.2007 Parlamentsdienste Comparative Evaluation
08.05.2007 Economic Research ETH Potential analysis
25.04.2007 Swiss Press Agency (sda) Comparative Evaluation
15.03.2007 Swiss Press Agency (sda) Comparative Evaluation
23.01.2007 Swiss Press Agency (sda) Comparative Evaluation
14.12.2006 Gleichfalls Single-case study
04.12.2006 Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Single-case study
04.12.2006 Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Survey
25.11.2006 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons in november 2006
17.11.2006 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss canton
15.11.2006 Swiss cantons/IFAA Marketing research
24.10.2006 Swiss Press Agency (sda) Findmachine-Evaluation
06.10.2006 Sight and Life Potential analysis
21.09.2006 Single-case study
13.06.2006 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons 2006
09.06.2006 Swiss cantons Survey of Swiss cantons in mai 2006
02.06.2006 Rocketboom Individual analysis
23.05.2006 Swiss cantons Survey of Swiss cantons in mai 2006
20.05.2006 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons in mai 2006
17.03.2006 Institute of Gottlieb Duttweiler (GDI) Survey
10.03.2006 Sight and Life Single-case study
09.03.2006 Federal Chancellery Austria Single-case study
23.01.2006 Foundation Radio X Project- & Supportevaluation



21.12.2005 Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Comparison measurement
21.12.2005 Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Comparison measurement
23.11.2005 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons in november 2005
01.11.2005 International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Single measurement
02.09.2005 GermanParties/IFAA Comparative Evaluation
27.07.2005 Cantonal hospital St. Gallen Single measurement
30.06.2005 German Parties/IFAA Market observation
27.05.2005 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons in mai 2005
04.05.2005 Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) Single measurement
03.03.2005 Wolfsberg Single measurement
12.01.2005 Single measurement



24.11.2004 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons in november 2004
20.10.2004 Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) Single measurement
15.10.2004 Lichtensteinische National Administration
Single Evaluation
25.08.2004 US Election Campaign 2004 Online-accompaniment of the election campaign
20.07.2004 Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) Supervision on HIV-campaign
18.05.2004 Swiss Cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons in mai 2004
13.05.2004 Trade Union for the Media Comparison measurement
30.04.2004 Regional Employment Agency (RAV) Single measurement
29.03.2004 Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Survey
29.03.2004 Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Singe measurement
13.02.2004 Federal Office of Metrology and Accreditation Specialist group Evaluation



23.11.2003 Swiss cantons/IFAA Survey of Swiss cantons in november 2003
20.11.2003 Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) Supervision on HIV-campaign
10.08.2003 Business Development Comparative Survey
27.06.2003 Swiss Parties/IFAA Comparative Evaluation
10.02.2003 Swiss Parties/IFAA Comparative Evaluation

This list is not exhaustive. Some of the IFAAR-studies are nither publically available, nor does the contractor wish to publish his or her coordinations or project evaluation here.

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